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Texts, insights
Texts and insights on projects, change, strategies and their management

Stakeholder management in project management
Stakeholders play a very important role in project management. Who are the stakeholders? How should I work with them? How can...

How does decision making mechanism impact business agility?
You've probably heard of business agility. However, many wonders what it is and with what it is eaten. What processes or events can...

Decision making in project management
Project management touches on a number of different areas and, of course, a lot of attention is paid to decision-making where stakeholder...

Building the team
You're building a team and thinking about what's the right lineup to choose? What kind of people to invite in order to have the right...

Work and I
I have been living with this idea for a long time that work and time for myself are two separate things. People who used to say, after...

Team recruitment, how to get ready?
Recruitment is one of the most important stages when choosing someone who should join the team. Recruitment result will depend on whether...

What is project?
I am currently working on developing project management practices in one organization. I am in the diagnostic stage when I am trying to...

Planning to implement project management across all company? What should you start from?
When we talk about the introduction of new processes and especially those that do not exist, when each different department does its own...

Do all projects implement changes?
Answers on this issue may diverge. According to PMBOK, project is a method that creates a unique product, service or result, which has a...

Project management maturity
Lately, everyone as if they have agreed between themselves, are asking me about the maturity of project management in the organization....

Experiments in project management
After reading the PMBOK book or Prince materials that teach project management methodology, it may seem that projects are only those that...

Relationship in project management
There are plenty of places where it is mentioned that project management includes stakeholder management and communication management. If...

PMO - what to expect?
A PMO is part of the project management methodology and in organizations where project management principles are applied, you will find...

Team play in leadership: wishful thinking or reality?
Team work, collaboration, team player, everybody is in the same boat - all these words and more describe collective work, that is...

Technologies are changing every minute, but how about project management?
Most probably you have noticed that every year we have some new IT solutions and technology unicorns are popping up all over the world....

Who is a leader?
There are so many training, that try to tell, of who is a leader or who can be them. But have you ever though who is a leader to you in...

To see what is not obviously to be seen while driving the change
Have you ever noticed that we often jump into conclusions on why some of the people do not support the change that you are driving? How...

Choosing delivery method: what you should think about before doing that? Part 2
There are several delivery methods, that organisations, can choose to do: waterfall, agile and hybrid. How to know which one is the best...

Choosing delivery method: what you should think about before doing that? Part 1
There are several delivery methods, that organisations, can choose to do: waterfall, agile and hybrid. How to know which one is the best...

Waterfall or Agile?
Nowadays you hear that companies have chosen to do the deliveries Agile way of working, because this allows to be faster to the market....
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